Caliente Beef Jerky Recipe


  • 8 lb. of beef (or any meat type)
  • 2 tsp. of Cayenne pepper
  • 2 tsp. of Liquid smoke
  • 4 tsp. of Pepper
  • 4 tsp. of Chili powder
  • 4 tsp. of Garlic powder
  • 4 tsp. of Onion powder
  • 6 tsp. of Salt
  • 1/2 c. of Worcestershire
  • 3/4 c. of Soy sauce
  • 1 c. of Water


  1. Trim all fat and cut into 1/4 inch slices.
  2. Combine ingredients, add meat and cover.
  3. Marinade in fridge overnight.
  4. Remove from marinade, line a cookie sheet with foil and lay meat without touching.
  5. Dry for 6 or more hours at 175 degrees making sure to turn after 3 hours and keeping oven door propped open for ventilation.

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3 Responses »

  1. by Collin Rajala

    if u dehydrated it how long would u do it for????

  2. by Summer

    Check out the dehydration page. Dehydration isn’t set to a certain number of hours. It just depends on the person and their preference of how they like it. I think the dehydration page says to do it anywhere from 6-18 hours. You just have to check it periodically and take it out when it’s dehydrated enough for you! Hope this helps!

  3. by Summer

    Check out the dehydration page. Dehydration isn’t set to a certain number of hours. It just depends on the person and their preference of how they like it. I think the dehydration page says to do it anywhere from 6-18 hours. You just have to check it periodically and take it out when it’s dehydrated enough for you! Hope this helps!

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