Fruit Jerky Sticks

**Do not rely on above picture. Due to this recipe, your fruit jerky/leather will be flat like a sheet of paper but can be rolled like a fruit roll-up.


  • Fresh Fruit
  • Lemon or Lime Juice
  • Artificial Sweetner


  1. Buy fruit that is ripe or over-ripe for the best flavor or buy fresh fruit and let it set out for a few days.
  2. Remove all pits, seeds & stones. Grapes and berries do not need seed removal.
  3. Slice fruit into chunks and puree in a food processor or blender.
  4. If using yellow or light-colored fruit, add 1 Tb. of lime or lemon juice for each quart of fruit.
  5. If using orange or pineapple pulp, add artificial sweetener .
  6. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper and pour the puree onto the sheet (about 1/4-inch deep). Distribute evenly by tilting the sheet. Do not use a spatula or knife. The cookie sheet should be completely covered.
  7. Set oven at 140 degrees and place in the oven leaving the oven door cracked open 2 to 6 inches. The fruit jerky will be dried in about 4 hours.

Storage: After loosening the edge and peeling it back about an inch, roll the waxed paper and the dried leather in one piece into a loose roll. The dried fruit roll can be stored for years in the freezer, for months in the refrigerator, and many weeks at room temperature (70 degrees Fahrenheit or less).


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5 Responses »

  1. by nebraskamama

    What a fabulous website!! Your recipes are delicious. Looking forward to more, thanks for the info!

  2. by Marks_Jerky

    I agree, this website rocks! I have found more recipes here and more info than any other place so far. What a gold mine.

  3. by nh_family

    Fruit Jerky recipe was easy and fun but how do you get it off the wax paper?!?! Our fresh blueberry fruit jerky seems adhered to have adhered to the stuff during drying and it just doesn’t want to come off!

  4. by Ziggy

    Spray the wax paper with a little cooking spray that might help.

  5. by mike

    do you have any summer sausage recipes

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