Best Beef Sticks Recipe


  • 2 pounds of beef (or any meat type)
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid smoke
  • 2 teaspoon of mustard seed
  • 4 teaspoons of curing salt


  1. Combine all ingredients and let sit in fridge for 24 hours.
  2. Form into rolls, about 3, and wrap up in foil.
  3. Make a bunch of tiny holes in the foil with a fork.
  4. Put directly on rack to allow the grease to drain/drip off.
  5. Bake it at 300 degrees for a little over an hour, cool and enjoy!

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11 Responses »

  1. by steve

    i would be nice if i could print off these receipes

  2. by JerkyRecipes

    Thanks for the reply Steve. You’d be happy to know that printable recipes are on our to-do list for the 1st quarter of this year. Stay tuned 🙂

  3. by Renee

    Hey Steve just highlight the recipe then go to file and select print preview on next window then select as selected on screen and then the print button. Walaa –you have printed recipe. I do this frequently! 🙂

  4. by Chieftain

    So……if you load this mix into the stick shooter, and extrude sticks that are the same size, will they not dehydrate more evenly?

    Good idea with the foil if you have no better way. What is everyone’s favorite brand “stick shooter”??

  5. by JerkyRecipes

    Thanks for the question Chieftain,

    If the extruded meat sticks are roughly the same size when dispensed then they should be very similar in size upon dehydration. Some variables include the consistency of the ground meat prior to dispensing, any “hot spots” in the oven or dehydrator, and how experienced you are at dispensing the sticks. It’s all about practice with a Jerky Shooter.

  6. by Derrick

    I’m using a stick shooter that makes .5 sticks. What’s the avarage time it takes to dehydrate them?

  7. by Ron

    I made some venison salami with the recipe above or virtually the same one. I was a little displeased with the results: They do not look anything like the picture, the ones above are in skins or colagin. The foil wrapped version will leak a lot of fat and water while cooking, so be prepared with juice catcher of some sort. I put a wire rack on a cookie sheet. Also I would suggest adding 2tbsp of your favorite seasoning or it will be kinda plain. Then you will have a great stick or sausage.

  8. by Charlene

    2 ways of doing this……..
    1st way
    ctrl P will print the page. You might get more than recipe so try…………

    2nd way…..
    Copy and paste to one of your templates….like the blank page this is what I do and it works great.

  9. by Charlene

    I am lovin’ all the jerky recipes.
    Printing the ones I really like.
    Note: the temp to do jerky at in the dehydrator is

  10. by eric

    What kind of lean for groung beef I’m using a 36″ dehydrator and trying sticks for first time, also should I get skins for sticks?

  11. by Deanna

    Do you have to use a stick shooter? Can you just roll by hand? Do you use a skin for these?

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