Bacon Jerky is now available!

Hello Jerky lovers, has some news that will make your day even better…bacon jerky and ham jerky are now available!

No, bacon jerky is not a myth and yes, it does taste as good as it sounds.

I have come across numerous chat forums and blogs of people from around the country asking how to make bacon jerky or if it’s even possible. The good folks over at Bacon Freak have teamed up with and now the ultimate snack food is here in 5 unique flavors (Summer Tomato, Cajun, Peppered, Honey BBQ, and Jalapeno).

Made from 100% pork and cut into really thick strips of meaty bacon, each strip is marinated and smoked as usual, very much like beef jerky is made.

This gourmet product is receiving rave reviews from both customers and industry insiders. Having only been introduced just a short time ago, this seems to be the perfect stocking stuffer for any guy during this holiday season.

Convenient resealable packaging and Free Shipping makes this a great buy.

Someone recently asked me if this product was a must try and I said “duh”!


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