People are stealing beef jerky! understands that beef jerky is the greatest snack food around, but some people always seem to know how to take their addiction to the next level.

A recently published article by the Palm Beach Post takes notice of a 23 year old man (that will remain nameless, because that’s embarrassing) who was caught shop-lifting $25 worth of beef jerky and meat snacks from a local convenient store.

He had placed an estimated 2 pounds of jerky products down his pants before punching a man an innocent bystander in an altercation. He didn’t get away however, because his get-a-way vehicle was a red bicycle, authorities said.

This occurrence obviously caught the gas station clerk and local police authorities off-guard as well as provided them with a funny story that will last a lifetime.

This got me to thinking.

If I was absolutely desperate for some beef jerky, what kind would I steal??

Full story: Mans steals beef jerky


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