Top 10 Occasions/Reasons to give a guy some jerky

Do you know somebody who is hard to shop for? Is it difficult to find the right way to say “thank you?” If so, then consider what many people are beginning learn, everyone loves jerky for every occasion. Especially the man in your life.

You’ve heard the expression, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” I honestly think they were referring to his love of beef jerky and meat snacks.

The research team over at have compiled a list of the very best reasons and occasions to give that special guy in your life some jerky.

Top 10 Occasions/Reasons to give a guy some jerky.

1. Fathers Day – Sunday, June 21st 2009

2. Christmas – Thursday, December 25th, 2008

3. When he’s planning his hunting trip

4. His Birthday – Hopefully you know this day, lol.

5. Bosses Day – Friday, October 16th, 2009

6. Sunday afternoon when he’s watching football

7. After he helps you move

8. Valentine’s Day – Saturday, February 14th 2009

9. On his wedding day

10. Labor Day – Monday, September 7th 2009

If you happen to have another great reason or occasion that you think should be on our list we’d love to hear from you. Shoot us an e-mail or leave a quick comment.

Your opinions are valued.


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