Beef Jerky Chanel Purse

Out of all the mind-blowing and innovative products that we’ve seen made from beef jerky over the years, this one might just take the cake.

Brace yourself ladies and feast your eyes on the one-and-only Chewy Couture Handbag made from 100% beef jerky, minus the logo of course.

This ingenious idea comes from Art Center College of Design student Nancy Wu in Pasadena, CA. While it is clear for the reasoning behind making such a creative product (her college course), it isn’t yet clear why it was beef jerky inspired. Nevertheless, I absolutely love this one.

It’s master-craftswomanship at it’s finest. From the accurately chosen pressed beef jerky that yields a textured fabric look to the color that screams quality leather (get it?….leather). This was well thought out and perfectly engineered.

On this day, we say thank you to Nancy Wu.


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Beef Jerky Chanel Purse

Out of all the mind-blowing and innovative products that we’ve seen made from beef jerky over the years, this one might just take the cake.

Brace yourself ladies and feast your eyes on the one-and-only Chewy Couture Handbag made from 100% beef jerky, minus the logo of course.

This ingenious idea comes from Art Center College of Design student Nancy Wu in Pasadena, CA. While it is clear for the reasoning behind making such a creative product (her college course), it isn’t yet clear why it was beef jerky inspired. Nevertheless, I absolutely love this one.

It’s master-craftswomanship at it’s finest. From the accurately chosen pressed beef jerky that yields a textured fabric look to the color that screams quality leather (get it?….leather). This was well thought out and perfectly engineered.

On this day, we say thank you to Nancy Wu.


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Do you want more recipes like this? Download our Beef Jerky Recipes ebook while it's FREE! But's only free for a limited time!

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We want to hear about your experiences with our Jerky Recipes! Please leave your comments on any recipe and help other jerky makers be successful. If you decide to buy Beef Jerky online, check out!

Beef Jerky Chanel Purse

Out of all the mind-blowing and innovative products that we’ve seen made from beef jerky over the years, this one might just take the cake.

Brace yourself ladies and feast your eyes on the one-and-only Chewy Couture Handbag made from 100% beef jerky, minus the logo of course.

This ingenious idea comes from Art Center College of Design student Nancy Wu in Pasadena, CA. While it is clear for the reasoning behind making such a creative product (her college course), it isn’t yet clear why it was beef jerky inspired. Nevertheless, I absolutely love this one.

It’s master-craftswomanship at it’s finest. From the accurately chosen pressed beef jerky that yields a textured fabric look to the color that screams quality leather (get it?….leather). This was well thought out and perfectly engineered.

On this day, we say thank you to Nancy Wu.


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Do you want more recipes like this? Download our Beef Jerky Recipes ebook while it's FREE! But's only free for a limited time!

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We want to hear about your experiences with our Jerky Recipes! Please leave your comments on any recipe and help other jerky makers be successful. If you decide to buy Beef Jerky online, check out!