Cuts of Meat (Diagram)

A common question amongst amateur jerky chefs is what cut of meat do I use when preparing my jerky?

The most commonly used cuts of meat are the top-round and the flank. Use the following color-coded diagram in conjunction with our Meat Selection page and make your jerky with confidence.

Cuts of Beef


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2 Responses »

  1. by Veronica Mork

    Thanks a lot for the recipe of beefjerky, I did not
    not tasted it before but I believe the way it looks
    apetising it will be very delicius.

    I will try my hand on it and see how it taste.

    Thanks a lot and hope to hare from you soon.

    take care


  2. by Veronica Mork

    I am yet to try on one of the recipes so when I
    tried it I will give a comment concerning it.

    Will hear from you soon.

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