Beef Jerky Nachos

Chiles, spices, beans, and beef jerky…what do all of these have in common?

They all add some much needed intensity to your nachos.

Beef Jerky aficionados have found that if done properly, beef jerky does wonders when combined with nachos. First, it provides a level of flavor and heat intensity that other meats simply can’t provide. Second, since beef jerky is already cooked, all it takes is a little simmering to release all the wonderful flavors and tenderize at the same time. Last, but certainly not least, it makes any ordinary nacho dish a meat lovers delicacy.

You are heavily encouraged to try this dish with some tenders pieces of your favorite beef jerky, recommended is something nice and smoky flavored. If you’re working with the larger slabs of beef jerky, cut it into smaller and more manageable pieces before you begin.

Another helpful tip is to off-set the sometimes high in sodium beef jerky with low sodium tomatoes or other ingredients.

Prepare, Serve, and Enjoy 🙂


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