$15 off Buffalo Bills Meat Sticks + Free Shipping

Jerky.com has a special on Buffalo Bills 100% Beef Sticks that lasts until December 31st.

This is for $15 off Buffalo Bills Meat Sticks + Free Shipping Offer.

The price is $10 for one 7-oz bag, buy four for only $25 using coupon code LASTMINUTE + Free Shipping and Free Priority Shipping upgrade.

Flavors include Mild, Honey Stung, or Teriyaki.


Beef Bouillon Jerky Recipe


  • 5 lbs. beef (or any meat type)
  • 5 beef bouillon cubes
  • 1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 Tb. black pepper
  • 1 1/2 c. spring water
  • salt
  • curing salt


  1. Slice meat into strips of about 1/4″ or 1/8″ thick.
  2. Rub in salt and curing salt and let cure for anywhere from an hour to an entire day, it’s your preference.
  3. After your meat has cured mix in the rest of the ingredients. Try to get as close to spring water as you can to make this jerky as close to it’s authenticity as possible. Let meat marinate in the fridge for as long as you’d like, the longer the better.
  4. If you’re dehydrating your meat in the oven, foil cover a baking sheet or cake pan, lay out your strips without touching and pop them in the oven. Set your oven on the lowest temp. and let meat dehydrate anywhere from 4-12 hours, it’s your preference, just check it periodically and keep the door open for ventilation. If you are using a dehydrator, set it to the lowest temp. and lay out your meat on the racks without touching and dehydrate anywhere from 8-16 hours, once again, to your preference. Enjoy!

Super Scorchin’ Sticks Recipe


  • 3 lbs. venison (or any meat type)
  • curing salt
  • salt
  • 1 Tb. cider vinegar
  • 1/4 c. red wine
  • 2 tsp. powdered red pepper
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • 2 tsp. black pepper
  • 1 tsp. red pepper flakes


  1. Combine all ingredients and let sit in fridge for 24 hours.
  2. Form into rolls by hand or with a jerky shooter and wrap up in foil.
  3. Make a bunch of tiny holes in the foil with a fork and put sticks directly on rack to allow the grease to drain/drip off. Remember to put something under the rack to catch the grease so you won’t have a mess!
  4. Bake at 300 degrees for a little over an hour, cool and enjoy!

Holiday Beef Jerky Recipe


  • 1 lb. beef (or any meat type)
  • 1/2 c. apple cider
  • 1/3 tsp. white pepper
  • 1/5 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1 Tb. corn syrup
  • cinnamon
  • salt
  • curing salt


  1. To make the cutting process easier, try freezing your meat no longer than 30 minutes prior. Either way, you will want to slice your meat into strips about 1/4″ thick (or get creative and try Christmas shaped cookie cutters!).
  2. Combine the salt and curing salt with your meat and let sit. Some people let their meat cure in the fridge an hour and some do it for 2 days, it’s your preference.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients, the measurements are your preference but try not to use more than just a pinch of cinnamon on each side of your jerky strips, cinnamon can be very strong! After mixing all of your ingredients into your meat, you can either let it marinate for a while in the fridge again or go straight to your dehydrating method.
  4. If using a dehydrator, lay out your strips onto the racks, without touching and dehydrate on the lowest temperature anywhere from 12-24 hours. Be sure and check periodically so you can have your jerky just the way you want it! If you’re using an oven, set it to the lowest temperature, foil line a cookie sheet and lay out your strips without touching and stick it in the oven. Keep the oven door propped open for ventilation and let dehydrate anywhere from 3-9 hours. Remember, the longer you dry out your meat the harder it gets and you don’t want to cook it so, check often if using the oven method. Have fun, enjoy and happy holidays!!

Holiday Beef Jerky Recipe


  • 1 lb. beef (or any meat type)
  • 1/2 c. apple cider
  • 1/3 tsp. white pepper
  • 1/5 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1 Tb. corn syrup
  • cinnamon
  • salt
  • curing salt


  1. To make the cutting process easier, try freezing your meat no longer than 30 minutes prior. Either way, you will want to slice your meat into strips about 1/4″ thick (or get creative and try Christmas shaped cookie cutters!).
  2. Combine the salt and curing salt with your meat and let sit. Some people let their meat cure in the fridge an hour and some do it for 2 days, it’s your preference.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients, the measurements are your preference but try not to use more than just a pinch of cinnamon on each side of your jerky strips, cinnamon can be very strong! After mixing all of your ingredients into your meat, you can either let it marinate for a while in the fridge again or go straight to your dehydrating method.
  4. If using a dehydrator, lay out your strips onto the racks, without touching and dehydrate on the lowest temperature anywhere from 12-24 hours. Be sure and check periodically so you can have your jerky just the way you want it! If you’re using an oven, set it to the lowest temperature, foil line a cookie sheet and lay out your strips without touching and stick it in the oven. Keep the oven door propped open for ventilation and let dehydrate anywhere from 3-9 hours. Remember, the longer you dry out your meat the harder it gets and you don’t want to cook it so, check often if using the oven method. Have fun, enjoy and happy holidays!!

$22 off beef jerky w/ coupon code

Before I get to this deal, note that it expires 12/31.

This limited time offer is for a $22 savings on 6 bags of Buffalo Bills – Western Cut Beef Jerky.

Otherwise it’s $17.49 for 2 bags. All orders do however include Free Shipping πŸ™‚

Use coupon code ‘HOLIDAY‘ during your checkout process.


Enter now to WIN FREE JERKY!!!

Today is your lucky day Jerky lovers.

Go to Jerky.com and sign-up now to win FREE beef jerky.

3 easy steps can get you FREE jerky

Step 1 – Go to Jerky.com

Step 2 – Enter your e-mail address in the WIN FREE JERKY text box on the left

Step 3 – Win Free Jerky!

* Not only will you be entered at chances to Win Free Jerky, but you will also receive the latest beef jerky news, offers on limited time promotional codes, and have a chance to taste the latest and greatest in NEW jerky products.

This month it’s Bacon Jerky!


Tis the Season for giving :)

Hello again Jerky lovers and meat snack enthusiasts!

With the Season for gift giving upon us, Jerky.com would like to say thank you to everyone for making us possible and for those thousands of people who check out our FREE database of Jerky Recipes on a daily basis.

As you can imagine, BeefJerkyRecipes.com was the result of countless hours of research, writing, and planning on behalf the Jerky.com staff. In the end, we were able to provide jerky enthusiasts with hundreds of FREE recipes and enough content to turn anyone amateur jerky chef into a pro. In sticking with the gift giving theme, Jerky.com would like to ask a few simple things of you to help spread the word.

If you like what you see, love our products, or appreciate the great content then feel free to bookmark this site as one of your favorites to make it quick and easy to find us again. Also, social bookmarking us under popular sites such as Digg, Stumbleupon, and Reddit will help to share the valuable information we offer with other jerky lovers.

Another creative way to share what you’ve found here is to link to us. If you or somebody that you know owns a website we would greatly appreciate a link to Beefjerkyrecipes.com and the Jerky.com homepage using the following.

URL: http://beefjerkyrecipes.com/
Title: Jerky Recipes
Description: Search 100s of Beef Jerky Recipes by: meat type, flavor, and cooking method.Β  Users can review recipes and even submit their own.

URL: http://www.jerky.com/
Title: Beef Jerky
Description: The widest selection of U.S. made jerky products and meat snacks available for every budget.

Finally, we also encourage you to blog about your favorite recipe, jerky.com product(s), or about the sites in general. Spreading the word to friends and family keeps us going and helps us to provide you with bigger and better sites in the future.

Again, thanks for all your support and keep the feedback coming. Jerky.com appreciate each and every one of you and wishes you the best of Holiday seasons πŸ™‚


Top 10 Occasions/Reasons to give a guy some jerky

Do you know somebody who is hard to shop for? Is it difficult to find the right way to say “thank you?” If so, then consider what many people are beginning learn, everyone loves jerky for every occasion. Especially the man in your life.

You’ve heard the expression, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” I honestly think they were referring to his love of beef jerky and meat snacks.

The research team over at Jerky.com have compiled a list of the very best reasons and occasions to give that special guy in your life some jerky.

Top 10 Occasions/Reasons to give a guy some jerky.

1. Fathers Day – Sunday, June 21st 2009

2. Christmas – Thursday, December 25th, 2008

3. When he’s planning his hunting trip

4. His Birthday – Hopefully you know this day, lol.

5. Bosses Day – Friday, October 16th, 2009

6. Sunday afternoon when he’s watching football

7. After he helps you move

8. Valentine’s Day – Saturday, February 14th 2009

9. On his wedding day

10. Labor Day – Monday, September 7th 2009

If you happen to have another great reason or occasion that you think should be on our list we’d love to hear from you. Shoot us an e-mail or leave a quick comment.

Your opinions are valued.


Top 10 Occasions/Reasons to give a guy some jerky

Do you know somebody who is hard to shop for? Is it difficult to find the right way to say “thank you?” If so, then consider what many people are beginning learn, everyone loves jerky for every occasion. Especially the man in your life.

You’ve heard the expression, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” I honestly think they were referring to his love of beef jerky and meat snacks.

The research team over at Jerky.com have compiled a list of the very best reasons and occasions to give that special guy in your life some jerky.

Top 10 Occasions/Reasons to give a guy some jerky.

1. Fathers Day – Sunday, June 21st 2009

2. Christmas – Thursday, December 25th, 2008

3. When he’s planning his hunting trip

4. His Birthday – Hopefully you know this day, lol.

5. Bosses Day – Friday, October 16th, 2009

6. Sunday afternoon when he’s watching football

7. After he helps you move

8. Valentine’s Day – Saturday, February 14th 2009

9. On his wedding day

10. Labor Day – Monday, September 7th 2009

If you happen to have another great reason or occasion that you think should be on our list we’d love to hear from you. Shoot us an e-mail or leave a quick comment.

Your opinions are valued.


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