Best Ever Made Beef Jerky Recipe


  • 2 lb. of beef – round steak (or any meat type)
  • 1/4 c. soy sauce
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. black pepper
  • 1 tsp. onion powder
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. tenderizer
  • 2 tsp. curing salt
  • 2 Tb. liquid smoke
  • 2 Tb. Worcestershire
  • 2 Tb. brown sugar


  1. Combine ingredients and coat the meat thoroughly.
  2. Cover the meat still marinating in the bowl and let sit in the fridge for as long as you prefer.
  3. Take out, rinse off and pat dry with paper towels to get the excess off.
  4. Dry out at least 4 hours or to your preference and enjoy!

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27 Responses »

  1. by iheartjerky

    Has anyone used this recipe? Any tips, suggestions, or alterations to it that you would recommend?

    I will make it this week and report back. Thanks!

  2. by iheartjerky

    Has anyone used this recipe? Any tips, suggestions, or alterations to it that you would recommend?

    I will make it this week and report back. Thanks!

  3. by iheartjerky

    I was debating between this recipe and .

    Any input? Anyone?

  4. by Vicki

    This is a great site. I can’t wait to start making some jerky. Thank you so much for sharing with everyone. So many interesting choices it’s hard
    to decide where to start. vicki

  5. by Vicki

    This is a great site. I can’t wait to start making some jerky. Thank you so much for sharing with everyone. So many interesting choices it’s hard
    to decide where to start. vicki

  6. by Greg

    This is the greatist site ever,it did’nt take long at all to find.I was sure Id be looking forever and then when Id get there I would have to buy somthing,but not here.awsome.

  7. by Greg

    This is the greatist site ever,it did’nt take long at all to find.I was sure Id be looking forever and then when Id get there I would have to buy somthing,but not here.awsome.

  8. by swak

    used recipe made good jerky

  9. by jh44mag

    used this recipe on ground deer meat. It was a great recipe. Everyone I shared the jerky with loved it. I made the mistake of buying seasoned tenderizer instead of plain and it really gave a great flavor… A++++

  10. by jh44mag

    used this recipe on ground deer meat. It was a great recipe. Everyone I shared the jerky with loved it. I made the mistake of buying seasoned tenderizer instead of plain and it really gave a great flavor… A++++

  11. by Melissa

    My hubby and I made this recipe. It was ok, not my favorite.

  12. by Auston Werner

    This recipe is one of the greatest

  13. by Auston Werner

    This recipe is one of the greatest

  14. by Auston Werner

    I used ground sirloin and left out the brown sugar and liquid smoke and it was great, 2 lbs was gone within 2 hours

  15. by Auston Werner

    I used ground sirloin and left out the brown sugar and liquid smoke and it was great, 2 lbs was gone within 2 hours

  16. by Bec Silveous

    Hey Everyone,
    This recipe is almost identical to my own, except that I don’t use black pepper, I use a small amount of Cayenne pepper instead. It gives it a better bite on the tongue. Plus, I don’t use tenderizer, because I grind my meat in a meat grinder and form strips and then dry them. They are more tender and easier to eat this way, therefore I don’t need to use tenderizer. I use regular table salt, cause it’s all salt, no matter what kind you by, it’s all salt. I haven’t ever try using paprika in my jerky. I don’t know what kind of taste that would incur in the meat, but I might give it a go, and see what it taste like.

  17. by Mike

    Used this recipe four times. First time I used a bowl to mix. From mix went directly to dehydrator. During cutting/mixing, marinade was turning into paste. After about 6 hours, the jerky was awesome! My first attempt at making beef jerky and it was great. Since then I have been pouring marinade in large ziplock bags with meat and marinating for 24 plus hours. I can’t seem to replicate the same taste as the first session. Go figure. I would recommend this recipe. Thanks for everyone’s posts, they helped.

  18. by JerkyRecipes

    Thanks for the detailed posting Mike. That’s exactly what great cooking is all about, trial and error. We’re glad you’re taking such interest in our recipes and really hope the beef jerky comes out better each and every time.

    If you have some friends that you feel would like our site as well, please feel free to share our link. Social networks are a great way of doing so. 🙂

    Hope to see you again soon.

    Thanks for checking out the

  19. by Mike

    Used this recipe four times. First time I used a bowl to mix. From mix went directly to dehydrator. During cutting/mixing, marinade was turning into paste. After about 6 hours, the jerky was awesome! My first attempt at making beef jerky and it was great. Since then I have been pouring marinade in large ziplock bags with meat and marinating for 24 plus hours. I can’t seem to replicate the same taste as the first session. Go figure. I would recommend this recipe. Thanks for everyone’s posts, they helped.

  20. by Allforme

    this is my favorite beef jerkey recipe ever. we made this a bunch of times and turned out very well every time. we keep saying we are going to try a few of the other beef jerkey recipes on here but we always come back to this one LOL. I want to try the venison jerkey recipes too. any suggestions?

  21. by Allforme

    this is my favorite beef jerkey recipe ever. we made this a bunch of times and turned out very well every time. we keep saying we are going to try a few of the other beef jerkey recipes on here but we always come back to this one LOL. I want to try the venison jerkey recipes too. any suggestions?

  22. by HeatherEd

    getting it ready now will let u know how it turns out

  23. by HeatherEd

    getting it ready now will let u know how it turns out

  24. by Isaac

    I make a similar version of this recipe.. I dont use tenderizer or the salt because i use dark soy wich is a llittle stronger than regular soy.. Also add cayenne and pepper flakes to it..

    I just made this exact version and it also tasted great!!

  25. by Isaac

    I make a similar version of this recipe.. I dont use tenderizer or the salt because i use dark soy wich is a llittle stronger than regular soy.. Also add cayenne and pepper flakes to it..

    I just made this exact version and it also tasted great!!

  26. by bob

    does anyone have a receipt for jerky using cranberry concentrate? i had one years ago and cant duplicate it thanks

  27. by bob

    does anyone have a receipt for jerky using cranberry concentrate? i had one years ago and cant duplicate it thanks

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