Preparing Your Jerky

Slice your meat into slices approximately 1/8″ thick, cutting with the grain to avoid the meat shredding apart when you handle it. To make slicing easier, we recommend you put it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes beforehand. Be sure to trim off as much excess fat as you can while you are slicing, because fat can go rancid after the drying process. Thats is the number one cause of jerky going “bad”. After it is sliced then take the time out to marinate your meat. Place your slices of meat into an airtight container and coat them with anything you like (e.g: worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, cider vinegar, hot sauce, dried onion, garlic, liquid smoke, salt). Refer to our recipes section for more details and some tasty seasoning/marinade ideas. Then let it stand in the fridge over-night. Remember that the more liquid you use in your preparation, the longer it will take to dry. Now it is time to cook the meat.


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