A common question amongst amateur jerky chefs is what cut of meat do I use when preparing my jerky?
The most commonly used cuts of meat are the top-round and the flank. Use the following color-coded diagram in conjunction with our Meat Selection page and make your jerky with confidence.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a warning about a potential dangerous association between illnesses in dogs and the chicken jerky products they consume. All of which are made from imported meat products, most notably those manufactured in China and Australia.
Imported meat is risky as it is, but when you consider that the stuff that isn’t for human consumption doesn’t have as strict of guidelines then it becomes terribly dangerous in my opinion. The recent cases involving “bad” chicken jerky has caused many illnesses in dogs that has a lot of peoples attention, especially the FDA who has been fielding all of the complaints from frustrated pet owners.
Reassure though that the FDA has and continues to conduct extensive chemical and microbial testing, on the other hand however, nothing has yet to be identified as the exact cause.
Stay Tuned…
Read the Full Story
New to Jerky.com is an affiliate program that is hands down the best opportunity for related sites to make some extra cash; whether you have a blog, sell a complimentary good, have a food fetish, or simply want to help support the beef jerky movement. Alright, so maybe not the last one. Nonetheless it’s a great way to make easy money, build business relationships and get exposure and experience with an affiliate program.
Jerky.com now makes affiliate programs easier and more effective than ever with the use of our AdManager. This allows us to constantly manage, rotate, or even make site specific banners tailored just for you. Just imagine being able to monetize your site, keep it looking fresh with rotating banners, and be completely hands free of the entire thing….just sign up and let us do the work for you.
For more information and to see if your site may qualify, visit Jerky.com or the Affiliate Page.
1000 pieces of beef jerky on the wall, 1000 pieces of jerky.
Take one down and pass it around, 999 pieces of jerky on the wall.
1000 pieces of beef jerky on the wall, 1000 pieces of jerky.
Take one down and pass it around, 999 pieces of jerky on the wall.
Mountlake Terrace, Washington – Police responded to an odd situation early Thursday morning. A 29-year unidentified man was caught driving a $20,000 Genie Boom down a city street. Apparently he was dared to pull the stunt by a stranger on Craigslist…according to initial police reports.
Upon further investigation, police found that the equipment was stolen from a nearby construction site and he was under the influence of both alcohol and beef jerky. Both of which were found inside the lift bucket of the piece of machinery when it was stopped going 2 mph.
He was apparently on his way to the store when he was stopped by officers….perhaps for some more beer and beef jerky.
I wonder what kind of beef jerky it was though.
A pretty popular device amongst homemade Jerky chef’s is the “Jerky Shooter”. You might find that a few of the recipes you find on the site call for the use of a Jerky Shooter, but the odds are you don’t know what one is, how to use it, or where to buy one. Well I am here to assist you.
Most any jerky recipe that are “chopped and formed” call for some sort of Jerky Shooter device.
What is it? – A Jerky Shooter is a mechanical device that consists of a handle, a trigger, and a nozzle head that is used to dispensed ground meat into even strips. Nozzle heads usually have interchangeable tips to help you get the right shape and consistency you’re going for. It is very similar in look and functionality to a caulking gun at your local hardware (just don’t use one of those).
How to use it? – It’s really quite simple, what you want to do is take whatever meat type you are working with and run it through some sort of food processor to get a ground meat consistency. Pack the ground meat into the nozzle end of the Jerky Shooter, making sure it’s pretty compact. Then aim the nozzle end towards to cooking surface you will be using, probably some kind of cookie sheet or wax paper. Then begin to squeeze the trigger gently to release the meat into uniform strips onto your surface. It’s as simple as that, now you are ready to begin dehydrating it. Now all you have to do is follow the instructions to whatever dehydration method you have chosen.
For a great example of a finished product, check out Buffalo Bills – Venison Jerky.
As for where to find one, I recommend the innovators of the product. The Midwestern Research Company located in Emporia, Kansas. Here you can find the original jerky shooter. 🙂 Enjoy!
Chiles, spices, beans, and beef jerky…what do all of these have in common?
They all add some much needed intensity to your nachos.
Beef Jerky aficionados have found that if done properly, beef jerky does wonders when combined with nachos. First, it provides a level of flavor and heat intensity that other meats simply can’t provide. Second, since beef jerky is already cooked, all it takes is a little simmering to release all the wonderful flavors and tenderize at the same time. Last, but certainly not least, it makes any ordinary nacho dish a meat lovers delicacy.
You are heavily encouraged to try this dish with some tenders pieces of your favorite beef jerky, recommended is something nice and smoky flavored. If you’re working with the larger slabs of beef jerky, cut it into smaller and more manageable pieces before you begin.
Another helpful tip is to off-set the sometimes high in sodium beef jerky with low sodium tomatoes or other ingredients.
Prepare, Serve, and Enjoy 🙂
Chiles, spices, beans, and beef jerky…what do all of these have in common?
They all add some much needed intensity to your nachos.
Beef Jerky aficionados have found that if done properly, beef jerky does wonders when combined with nachos. First, it provides a level of flavor and heat intensity that other meats simply can’t provide. Second, since beef jerky is already cooked, all it takes is a little simmering to release all the wonderful flavors and tenderize at the same time. Last, but certainly not least, it makes any ordinary nacho dish a meat lovers delicacy.
You are heavily encouraged to try this dish with some tenders pieces of your favorite beef jerky, recommended is something nice and smoky flavored. If you’re working with the larger slabs of beef jerky, cut it into smaller and more manageable pieces before you begin.
Another helpful tip is to off-set the sometimes high in sodium beef jerky with low sodium tomatoes or other ingredients.
Prepare, Serve, and Enjoy 🙂
Ladies. Are you looking for something a little more original than chocolates, neck-ties, and underwear to get your man this Valentines Day?
If you answered yes like the millions of other puzzled women out there then I’ve got the perfect solution.
Jerky.com has teamed up with FantasyFootball.com and FantasyBaseball.com to offer you the ultimate chance to give your loved one the perfect gift. Give him a heads start on the upcoming season and order him 1 of the 2 premiere
fantasy sports subscription combos that feature every guys favorite snack…beef jerky.
Think about it ladies, if you were a guy could you ask for a better gift? A full access platinum fantasy package to the sport of your choice and some beef jerky….it will put a smile on his face…guaranteed.
For more details on both packages click the following links:
Fantasy Football/Baseball Jerky Cooler
Fantasy Football/Baseball Jerky Combo
*Special note: this order will be shipped the week of February 9th to help ensure delivery just in time for that special Valentine

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